Monday 25 February 2019

Radio Questions

1) How old is the BBC?

96 years old

2) Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC?

John Reith was the founder of the BBC, He was its first general manager when it was set up as the British Broadcasting Company in 1922; and he was its first director general when it became a public corporation in 1927.

3) When did Radio 1 start broadcasting

30th September 1967

4)  What are the BBC’s five Public Purposes, as set out in the Royal Charter?

To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world.
To support learning for people of all ages
To show the most creative, highest quality
To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of UK’s nations and region
To reflect UK, its culture and values to the world.

5) What is the BBC’s Mission?

To entertain people's lives with programmers and services that inform and educate

6) What is the BBC’s Vision?

To be the most creative organisation in the world.

7) What is the BBCs mission

Trust in the foundation of the BBC

Audience are at heart for everything

We take pride in delivering quality and value for money

8)   What does the licence fee cover?

BBC tv channels, radio, iplayer, online services

9) How is the BBC regulated? How long as this body regulated the BBC and who regulated it before?

Ofcom will regulate the content standards of the BBC's television, radio and on-demand programmes. The BBC will handle complaints about its content in the first instance, with Ofcom overseeing that process and handling appeals through a transparent process

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