Tuesday 26 February 2019

Radio 1 Practical

1) The task that we was assigned was to create a 3 minute clip of a Radio 1 Breakfast Show audition where would over run Greg James' position. We had to cover various topics within this 3 minute clip: 30 seconds of News, An interview with a celebrity, Music, A game that we have to make up, and social media.
2) My group is Kieran (Host), Sam and Maisie (Interview), Brooke (Game) and myself (News)
3) The fresh idea that we came up with was our game where an audience member would willingly ring up and tell us a secret confession they had kept for however long.
4) We did an interview (Maisie being the interviewer) who interviewed Sam who acted as Danny Dyer where questions about Danny's relation to Richard 3rd were asked and other questions on topics that had recently been in the news.
5) We chose Mabel - Don't call me up, Sam Smith - Dancing with a stranger and Post Malone - Wow. We chose these songs as they are either British, popular artists or upcoming artists with talent. we chose this because this is what the R1BS represents and wants to recognize.
6) The running that we decided was Mabel, Sam Smith, Gameshow, Interview, Post Malone, News. We chose this running order as it fit all aspects of the radio show into the 3 minutes and set a stable structure for the audience to follow.
7) We attract the audience via inviting them on our show to be part of our various gameshows and quizzes, where they can win prizes and be included within the breakfast show
8) Our product fits into the remit because it entertainments and educates all member of the audience.
9) As an improvement, we could've maybe had an additional quiz within the 3 minutes to further engage our audience, but with our given time, we wouldn't have time to do this.
10) Our initial feedback was that I was too monotone, news was a little too quick and I said the time at the end wrong.

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