Thursday 28 February 2019


Created by a single person called Markus Persson or Notch
Minecraft has sold more than 154 million copies
Reasons why Minecraft is so popular
It is a literal sandbox with infinite replayability
The game is only limited by the confines of your imagination
A strong community
The players creations are Minecraft's own marketing campaign
Its platform agnostic
Its not limited by genre It fulfils our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness

1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?
£16 million 
2) How many years have he been doing this? 
2009 10 years 
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
Because his fans asked him
4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
Survival series 
5) Describe his average working day
Work, edit, publish and plan ahead for social life 
6) Why might we watch Youtubers? 
Because it entertain people 
7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer? 
Twitch is a streaming service of which a person can play a game and stream it and 4 hours a day
8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer
$3 million
Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang (3.22-8.15) :
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
$2.5 billion 
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Mojang is a successful company 
b) Because it is buying Minecraft 
C) Microsoft wants a new audience so it increases the total money 
11) How might this affect the game?
New employers that can improve the game 
12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset? 
Its replayability of the game 

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Radio 1 Practical

1) The task that we was assigned was to create a 3 minute clip of a Radio 1 Breakfast Show audition where would over run Greg James' position. We had to cover various topics within this 3 minute clip: 30 seconds of News, An interview with a celebrity, Music, A game that we have to make up, and social media.
2) My group is Kieran (Host), Sam and Maisie (Interview), Brooke (Game) and myself (News)
3) The fresh idea that we came up with was our game where an audience member would willingly ring up and tell us a secret confession they had kept for however long.
4) We did an interview (Maisie being the interviewer) who interviewed Sam who acted as Danny Dyer where questions about Danny's relation to Richard 3rd were asked and other questions on topics that had recently been in the news.
5) We chose Mabel - Don't call me up, Sam Smith - Dancing with a stranger and Post Malone - Wow. We chose these songs as they are either British, popular artists or upcoming artists with talent. we chose this because this is what the R1BS represents and wants to recognize.
6) The running that we decided was Mabel, Sam Smith, Gameshow, Interview, Post Malone, News. We chose this running order as it fit all aspects of the radio show into the 3 minutes and set a stable structure for the audience to follow.
7) We attract the audience via inviting them on our show to be part of our various gameshows and quizzes, where they can win prizes and be included within the breakfast show
8) Our product fits into the remit because it entertainments and educates all member of the audience.
9) As an improvement, we could've maybe had an additional quiz within the 3 minutes to further engage our audience, but with our given time, we wouldn't have time to do this.
10) Our initial feedback was that I was too monotone, news was a little too quick and I said the time at the end wrong.

Monday 25 February 2019

Radio 1 research questions

The first breakfast show presenter was Tony Blackburn, he remained in the role for nearly six years.
Others that have been DJ's and/or presented radio 1 are John Peel, Kenny Everett, Annie Nightingale, Simon Bates, Miss P, Chris Evans, Greg James.
Nick Grimshaw stepped down from hosting the BBC stepped down from hosting the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show, the dj told listeners that he was 'tired' and was ready to hand over nearly a year ago. He is now the second- longest serving breakfast show presenter in the stations history.
The records present that radio 1 have an average of 5.72 million listeners a week.
The controller of BBC radio 1 is Ben Cooper.

Radio 1 is very distinctive through the use of a broad range of youth listeners with a very vast mix of contemporary music and speech. It offers a range of new music, support emerging artists -especially ones from the UK- and provide platforms (synergy) of live music.
The BBC is much stricter when it comes to brands mentions, whilst BBC breakfast tends to be hard news and lunch time tends to be predominantly chat shows. Commercial tend to typically target a vaster audience than the BBC and use pre-recorded interviews which kills to birds with one stone.

The website is aimed at a younger target audience; this is evident by the presentation of the young emerging and popular artists. Therefore the younger artists predominantly attract a younger target audience. Also various games (try not to laugh challenge w/ water) is present which again would predominantly appeal to a younger target audience. As Radio 1 has a formal presentation with little facts and news.
Whilst the Radio 1 one social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, include formal messages and tweets to the target audience, these include short humorous clips that entertain the audience with encourages the audience to share the comedy to there friends to increase the fan base.
However, i believe that Radio 1 also try to provide material/content for other target audience groups, this is evident through the various sections and tabs available to click when on the website. Therefore, this then allows a larger fan base.
To fulfill the PSB, Radio 1 provide accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming of the highest editorial standards so that all audiences can engage fully with issues across the UK and the world.
Educational content will help support learning for children and teenagers across the UK, whilst audiences will be engaged to explore inspiring and challenging new subjects and activities through a range of partnerships.
Innovative content covering may different genres will be provided across a range of services and platforms, setting the standard in the UK and the world.

Radio 1 Self Test

1) Greg James started hosting the Breakfast Show 20th August 2018 after Nick Grimshaw leaving the show 9th August 2018.
2) The Breakfast Show aims to have an audience of 15-29 years old to increase the total amount of viewers
3) Because the breakfast show is owned by the BBC, only adverts from the BBC can be shown under their rules and regulation, much like the TV channels, this compares to smaller radio shows where they can gain more income from advertising a more variety of commercials.
4) Phone, Tablet, Radio, MP3 Player, Laptop
5) The audience can interact with James via the games in which he hosts. These include many fun games such as 'Pass the Pasty', 'Unpopular Opinion' and 'Jan Slam' where all games consist of the audience participating in various challenges and fun in order to win various prizes that Greg James hosts. James also hosts many quizzes per day where the audience can submit their answers via the show's social media or by ringing into Greg James himself.
6) Ofcom will regulate the content standards of the BBC's television, radio and on-demand programmes. The BBC will handle complaints about its content in the first instance, with Ofcom overseeing that process and handling appeals through a transparent process.
7)  The R1BS fufils its remits via all the audience engagement that constantly occurs. This includes all games taken place, all concerts Radio 1 hosts, the news each half hour etc.
8) Ben Cooper states that you have to take in account of all innovation, digital as well as physical, YouTube as well as the actual show itself. News reporters state how weekly listeners have dropped via the radio but never count the views on their YouTube page and other social media.
9) The program promotes British music via the program mainly playing music tracks from popular and upcoming British artists constantly throughout the day
10) Majority of the songs that are played on R1BS are pop because that is what the majority of 15-29 years olds enjoy listening to, which are the audience target for the program.
11) The program interviews many celebs every morning/week. These go from top class singers to other celebs with current news stories to the UK's favourite comedians and actors. Majority of these are British as it is much cheaper and easier for the program to get them onto the show but you may get the occasional foreign celeb who is in London at the time.
12) Brexit, Immigration, Sport, FIlm nominations.
13) There are many fun games such as 'Pass the Pasty', 'Unpopular Opinion' and 'Jan Slam' where all games consist of the audience participating in various challenges and fun in order to win various prizes that Greg James hosts. James also hosts many quizzes per day where the audience can submit their answers via the show's social media or by ringing into Greg James himself.
14) The broadcast gives entertainment to listeners by adding comedy and relevant topics that people can relate, the news updates every half an hour help to inform people on everything that's going on and all the important things happening, this also educates people of around the world topics.
15) They don’t advertise any commercials that aren’t to do with the BBC due to the BBC's rules and regulation, similar to their TV channels.
16)  People aged 10+, some of the vocabulary used may not be acceptable for young audience that potentially could listen.
17) 5.1 Million listeners per week which has dropped from 5.72 million from September 2018 
19) Radio 2 is the most targeted because it covers more and lasts for longer so this means has a larger audience than the others 
20) Radio 1 is the most aimed at a niche audience because of the smaller age gap of their target audience.

Radio 1 Essay

How is the BBC 1 Breakfast show encouraging user interaction (750 words)

The BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show mainly targets a range of young listeners, using a mix of music tracks. This is what entertains and engages the audience to listen. The target audience is 15-29year olds, sometimes targeted at younger teenagers because of the songs played. In lesson we listened to timed segments of the Breakfast show, we found that a high percentage of the songs were British artists and many of the various competitions such as: Tickets to the FA Cup, Cricket World Cup, hang out with the 1975. Also, on Radio 1 Breakfast show there are no adverts so its non-stop tracks and discussions to keep the audience entertained which would obviously appeal to a younger audience. We also found that they would play 3 songs and then they will have a small discussion or a quiz or a competition to fill in the times so that it isn't just purely one thing. However, during our segment they had an interview with some NFL legends to advertise Super Bowl 53 and in another segment, they were interviewing a Radio 1 representative. They also play a game called Radio 1 Jan Slam which is a quiz game to win prizes. When Radio 1 brought in Nick Grimshaw he was expected to boost the ratings due to his celebrity status and young people connection. However, Radio 1 Breakfast show suffers a heavy rating fall, but Greg James gave the Breakfast show a boost when he joined and took over from Nick in 2018 after Nick lost 9.37 million listeners a week. However, Greg James added 231,000 listeners in the final three months of 2018, averaging a weekly audience of 5.11 million including those aged 15 and older.The BBC Radio 1 website consists of the latest music tracks, it also includes live music and mixes, such as live lounge, where artists sing covers of other people’s songs; the official chart, Radio 1 playlist, ‘what’s new’, news, sport, weather, iPlayer, sounds. Analysed podcast: “A journey back into fake Britain” Greg James plays a game by ringing lots of callers and firing random questions, in which they have to respond with the first thing that comes into their head without panicking or thinking too much which obviously boosts user interaction. The idea is that the person on the end of the phone is under pressure, which makes it more entertaining for the listeners. These questions are unusual which engages the audience because Greg James can be known as a fun, younger guy, friendly. Another part of the podcast presents him asking viewers what they listen to, to help them fall asleep or just simply relax. This is effective in receiving more listeners because it shows that the radio presenter has an interest in what their fans like and dislike. People want to get involved because Radio 1 is listened to by a wide target audience. Greg James had been promoted to the Radio presenter for the morning breakfast show. This is due to the fact that Nick Grimshaw’s audience figures had dropped whilst he was still the presenter meaning that they had to get someone new for the audience to start listening to it again. Radio 1 figured using Greg James in the morning would increase the number of viewers which is exactly what happened. He is very popular with the audience and this is consequently shown through his social media. When researching Greg James’s social media, I had seen that he had posted a screenshot of a BBC news article stating 'Greg James boosts Radio 1 breakfast audience by 230,000'. This suggests that people would rather listen to Greg James presenting than when Nick did. He also posts humorous images and tweets across all of his social media. Some posts are duplicated across a few different types of social accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter for example. A reason for this could be if some viewers don’t have a certain type of social media due to preferences of how it works or is set out. Greg James’s social media differs from Radio 1’s due to the fact that the radio show has to look professional/have a sense of organisation, but still ensures that it ‘entertains, informs and educates’.The Radio 1 Weekend is going to be held in Swansea. It consists of well-known artists attract radio’s young audience and also attracts others who are not listeners of radio 1. Therefore, this event can attract new listeners who would be persuaded by the good artists in the line-up. The event is said to be as good as Glastonbury since the line-up is very popular. Previously, the event has been held all over England with a new location every year to attract its listeners all over the country. The line-up always includes a few popular acts to attract listeners with new artists as well as to show new music just like Radio 1 do on shows.

Radio Questions

1) How old is the BBC?

96 years old

2) Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC?

John Reith was the founder of the BBC, He was its first general manager when it was set up as the British Broadcasting Company in 1922; and he was its first director general when it became a public corporation in 1927.

3) When did Radio 1 start broadcasting

30th September 1967

4)  What are the BBC’s five Public Purposes, as set out in the Royal Charter?

To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world.
To support learning for people of all ages
To show the most creative, highest quality
To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of UK’s nations and region
To reflect UK, its culture and values to the world.

5) What is the BBC’s Mission?

To entertain people's lives with programmers and services that inform and educate

6) What is the BBC’s Vision?

To be the most creative organisation in the world.

7) What is the BBCs mission

Trust in the foundation of the BBC

Audience are at heart for everything

We take pride in delivering quality and value for money

8)   What does the licence fee cover?

BBC tv channels, radio, iplayer, online services

9) How is the BBC regulated? How long as this body regulated the BBC and who regulated it before?

Ofcom will regulate the content standards of the BBC's television, radio and on-demand programmes. The BBC will handle complaints about its content in the first instance, with Ofcom overseeing that process and handling appeals through a transparent process

Radio Timetable

Introduction, referencing Radio 1. Intro to presenter (Greg James).
personal story about running.
STING intro to cricketer who has accomplished- lists accomplishments (8:00). Ticket giveaway and 8
Song- Can’t feel my face (Weeknd)
STING followed by self advertising. Track- Play (Jax Jones, Years & Years)
STING- followed by public tweets. Jingle
Box of goods, prize given to listener. talking to radio technician.
Track- One More Time (Pale Waves)
Reference to technician, Laughing, technical issue. Intro to BBC R1.
Track- There’s nothing holding me back (Shawn Mendes)
STING- Self advertising Track-Thursday (Jess Glynne)

Fixed Technical issues, background music, referencing similarities between radio and other workplaces
referencing FA cup Final from previous show
plays audio clip of fellow presenters show Track: All The Starz (Kendrick Lamar & SZA)

> Presenters and co are talking about news from around the world and discussing it using their opinions etc.
> Jingle is played - sting - introducing news on Harry Kane and football/rugby etc.
> Weather gets talked about to inform people.
> Update on the time.
> Sting.
> Sting.
> Intro to Radio 1.
> Greg James welcoming everyone and thanking people for having him on.
> Talking about the quiz from yesterday - Scott (citizen) involved in the competition.
> Talking about songs on the way.
> Track: Chalice - Donae’o.
> Track: Still into you - Paramore.
> Sting.
> Advertisement for winning tickets and meeting Greg James
> Track: Sweet but psycho - Ava Max.
> Presenter talking about previous tracks and being comedic.
> Sting.
> Talking about winning tickets again and also quiz from yesterday - welcoming Scott (person taking the quiz).
> Quiz being played.
> Sting.
> Track: Javelin (Calling out your name) - Adelphi Music Factory.
> Presenter talking again over the end of the track.
> Being comedic and relatable.
> Talking about people who have written to the show.
> Sting.
> Track: Hurtin’ me - French Montana and Stefflon Don
> Presenter talking and making jokes about the previous song.
> Sting.
> Track: Medicine - Bring Me The Horizon.

Football- A Harry Kane penalty that put Spurs ahead of Chelsea in the League Cup Semi Final
Rugby Union- Rugby player given a red card and suspended for the next 3 weeks
Cricket World Cup Final
Guess the 3 letter word
Song-It's not living by the 1975
Song-Fit But You Know It (The Streets)
Song-Lullaby by Sigala and Paloma Faith
Competition to win Cricket World Cup Final Tickets
Song- We Appreciate Power by The Grimes
Programme ident, News, (sting), News, (sting), News, Weather, (sting), ident.
8:03 (1:30)
Prize Giveaway (Cricket world cup), gives out info to enter details. (81199). (sling)
8:08 (1:35)
Song, It not living (If it’s not with you) 1975, (sting), ident.
8:11 (1:38)
Song, Fit but you know it, The Streets
8:14 (1:41)
Song, Lullaby, Sigala and Palmona faith,
8:18 (1:45)
(sting), ident, Cricket giveaway description, Calls the public
8:21 (1:48)
Graeme swan back in the studio,
8:23 (1:50)
Song, Mountain at my gates, Foals, (sting).
8:26 (1.53)
Rugby Union giveaway, ident
Song, We appreciate power, Grimes, (sting)

News and Weather (uses Sting)
GJ gives small info on what’s to come, Radio’s Indent; 2 tracks (Ariana Grande ‘thank you next’, Kodak Black ‘ZEZE’)
GJ gives a contact number for people to call; Play’s a game with listeners (Unpopular Opinion)
Track Plays (Sam Fender ‘that sound’)
Small conversation with a listener about the game before the track (He talks to them calmly and like they’re friends)
Track Plays (Sigird ‘Sucker Punch’); Reads some comments from listeners
Ten Minute take over (Skee-lo ‘I wish’, Justin Timberlake ‘Senorita’, Blink-182 ‘What’s my age again?’)
Radio’s Indent (Annie Mack)
News and Weather

Continued Track - I Wish (Fabiolous Barker)
Track  - Senorita (Justin Timberlake)
Track - Mountain At My Gates (Foals)
GJ concludes ‘10 minute takeover’
Track - Baby (Clean Bandit)
GJ talks about what’s on at 10am.  Introduces upcoming songs.
Track - Fit But You Know It (The Streets)
GJ talks about Carol Cook and her tweet “in the first 7 days of 2019, Jersey has only seen 6 minutes of sunshine, making it the dullest start to the year in 96 years xxx”
Track - We Appreciate Power (Grimes)
GJ talks about ‘Window Weather’. Talks about upcoming on BS
Track - Only You (Theophilus London)
GJ introduces upcoming songs and upcoming news.
News - Military increasing technology to stop drones in Heathrow against illegal drone activity, Teenager attacked by 3 men, voting in house of commons, Spurs VS Chelsea, Saudi teen has been given refugee status in USA, Best Film Nominations,
Window Weathers - Jersey

Jersey weather update over phone call ‘window weather’
‘close to you’ By Ellie Goulding & Diplo
Genre- Pop
‘Dimentions’ By Sub Focus&Dimentions
Genre- Dance/ Electronic
Scotland vs Wales – six Nations advert/ superbowl and game opportunity
‘King princess’ By Talia
Genre- Pop
‘Heathens’ By 21 pilots
Genre- Rap rock/ alternative/indie
‘Party for One’ By Carly Rae Jepsen
Greg James chats with the audience, light hearted conversation
‘praise the lord’ By ASAP Rocky
Genre- HipHop/ Rap
Greg James chats with audience briefly
‘Love has all been done before’ By Jade Bird
Genre- Alternative/ Indie