Friday 2 November 2018

Poster Task

The poster i have selected is the original first star wars movie that was made but it is the 4th one in the trilogy in the poster you can tell who are the protagonists and who are the antagonists because of how they are framed and portrayed in the picture for example Darth Vader can easily be seen as the antagonist because he fills up a significant amount of the screen meaning that he is one of the main characters in the film also the lightsaber that he is holding is red which in films and video games is a sign that he is the antagonist of the film. Also the characters in the front mainly Luke are clear protagonists because they are in the foreground and are perfectly centred so the audience know who are good and who are back also they all take up a big chunk of the poster because it shows that once again they are a big part of the film.

The poster has the name of the film in the bottom right of the poster because it wants you to know the name of the of the film but at the same time focus more on the posters main design which is obviously the icons and actors that are on the poster. The setting of the poster is space as you can see in the background the stars that fill it up and also the film being called Stars Wars really adds to the idea, however on the right hand side of the poster you can clearly see the setting of a desert which in the film is called tatooine which is the main characters Luke home planet.

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