Friday 2 November 2018

Music Video Stereotype

This music video that was made by the american rapper Logic portrays the stereotypes of Race, Sexuality and Mental Health however Race and Sexuality are the main two while there are only one scene about Mental Health when the protagonist is contemplating suicide. At the start when the protagonist is a child it shows multiple shots of the family happy and they are constantly laughing, however it is not until he is a teenager that he realizes his Sexuality when he meets someone who is very like him but the parents wouldn't be with the idea because they are different races and it is clear in the music video that the other students and the parents are fully against the idea and insult him for it. For example at 2:12 when the white boys father finds out that he is gay he looks extremely disappointed about it, we can also assume from the scenes that follow one of the main reasons is because that he is of a different race to him and not everyone especially the dad fully agrees with his sons life choices and may fully disagree with it.

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