Friday 23 November 2018

George Gerbner

George Gerbner 
George Gerbner invented the cultivation theory which examines the long term effect of the use of television and how it would effect peoples actions for example if someone watches a lot of crime TV shows they would probably think that there is a lot of crime happening around them which could frighten them into doing certain things.

The two newspaper articles i have chosen are about brexit because The Sun and The Metro have two very different opinions with The Metro being for remain and The Sun being leave. They have also designed them in very different ways with the Metros full front page being covered by brexit while The Sun has at least two other stories on it not including the main one that takes up about 70% of the page.

Also with the Sun they have put a pun in the headline so that it can draw in younger audience to read the newspaper and then make them believe their views.

News Industry Questions

1. Amount of advertising has halved:
-More expensive now then it was
-The amount of decreasing revenue 
-People who would advertise your industry are more uncommon nowadays  

2.The Audit Bureau of Circulations is a organisation that is owned and developed by the media industry. The company delivers industry-agreed standards for media brand measurement of print publications, digital channels and events. 

3.In my opinion i believe that Sunday newspapers sell significantly more copies to people who have free time and are usually not working because people want a brief overview of the week they don't want to have to read through 7 separate papers.

4.The leading broadsheet is Daily telegraph, the leading tabloid is The Sun and the leading mid market is The daily mail because of their raising popularity recently.

5.The daily mail is shown to be the second most popular paper in the world, but most popular mid market where as, the Guardian is shown to be towards the lower ends of the scale this could be due to the today's generation interest  being in other type of media, the daily mail is a mid market therefore has broadsheet and tabloid aspects therefore is will have both groups of people will have an interest in it.

6.The Guardian Media group is owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose main purpose is to ensure the financial independence of the Guardian, the papers values are that it is completely honest with the reader and quite serious at the same time. This is therefore done by the independence of most news stories and ideas attracting a varied audience. This is shown through the investment of over £1 billion, then with most profits they reinvest into journalism to deliver the type of news people would expect.

7.In terms of digital distribution I believe the most important brand identity has to be about the online websites, as many commuters and other people have technological devices such as laptops and tablets that may not have the capacity or the performance required to run certain application.

8.The UK newspapers appear to be the least trusted in Europe, according to research by the European Broadcasting Union. It carried out surveys of over a 1000 members of the public in each of 33 European countries they all voted for the UK to be the least trusted news in Europe.

9.The independent press standards organisations are the regulators for most of the UK's newspapers like the Guardian. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.

10.Print display advertising revenue for the national UK newspapers has grown significantly over the last couple of years according to a new report on advert. Display adverts in national titles saw revenue growth of 1% every year in the first quarter of 2018, putting it at a total of £152.6 million for the year. Within tabloids print display advertising grew by 3% every year.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Newspaper Exam Question

There are multiple reasons why newspaper sales have declined. One of the main reason is the rise in the use of technology and where all newspapers are now accessible on the internet. With the drastic rise in technology and the internet, majority of newspaper companies such as The Guardian and The Daily Mail have posted all their daily papers on their sites along with the front page being posted on the BBC site. This makes all newspapers easily accessible and also more convenient. All readers can now access them whenever they want by just simply going on the internet and searching up the papers online without having to leave and buy it from a shop. Although it is cheaper for yourself to access the papers as you don’t have to actually purchase each daily paper, all paper companies ask for readers to subscribe to their paper in order for them to be able to continue business and publish new papers every day. This could also give their subscribers perks that them and only them would be able to access and use.

Having the internet as your main news source is a positive. This is because all readers can comment on various articles and have conversations with other readers online to gain more opinions on the specific article so they can get see the views of other people and change their opinion if they are persuaded. Although this can occasionally start arguments on different opinions, people do find this very useful and informative to understand the full picture. However, using the internet to access your daily news does have its negatives and reading a newspaper has some positives over it. These negatives include requiring an internet connection in order to access your the papers that you normally read, losing stories due to more recent stories overwriting them, more information is given by print newspapers and if a users reads online newspapers too much it could cause eye strain. The biggest negative for the rise in online newspapers is that the biggest age for reading newspapers is the elderly. Due to the elderly not well advanced with technology, they still prefer reading physical print newspapers compared to our online copies. But because the amount of print papers decreasing by the year, elderly cannot read their newspapers they have read all the time with physical copies. So, all newspaper companies are slowly losing their audience due to this change.

Citizen Journalism has made the mass media affect the traditional way for reporting and understanding news because of the audience reacting different to stories. For example, when there is a violent outbreak in a country, news stories over the internet had an outbreak over the comment and reported making fun and lying over the stories told. This brought controversy over whether or not information given by the general public was necessary because of these sensitive areas being derided.

According to studies, The Daily Mail had a decrease of 55% of print papers sold during 2000 since 1960. In comparison, online newspapers, which were first introduced in 2000, have been preferred by 55% of the public, that stated they prefer reading the daily news online rather than a print.

Friday 16 November 2018

Tabloid vs Broadsheet

-One main headline
-Pun titles
-Less formal
-Less informative
- Big font sizes

-More informative
-One main image
-Bigger size generally
-More trustworthy

There are many differences between a tabloid and a broadsheet, this can be seen visually by the pictures to the right with the first and more colourful one being a tabloid and the second being a broadsheet.

First difference in the two as previously mentioned is the way it is presented like how the tabloid front cover has a colourful picture with the main headline taking up pretty much the entire paper while the broadsheet also has a picture that takes up a lot of the paper however its main headline is a lot smaller and the majority of the front cover is sub text that is a lot more informative than all of the headings that are being presented on the tabloid, so that a broadsheet is seen as a lot more formal than the tabloid because around 25% of the paper is covered by a picture while the remaining 75% is covered with headings and informative text.

Also with tabloids the news that is presented is seen as not useful and completely uninformative because most of the time it is information like celebrity gossip this is called soft news which is something you wouldn't expect would make it in the news while with a broadsheet it displays what you would call hard news which is what you would expect to be the main story and is seen as more serious than tabloids.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of online newspapers

-Environmentally friendly
-Live updates
-Your own personal account
-Free(paywalls daily telegraph, the times)
-Contact papers quickly
-Comments on news stories
-More interactive, video
-Easy to share articles

-Holding something
-Internet needed
-Can't keep the story
-Less accessible for older generations
-Much more information in newspapers
-Website crashes, technical errors
-Pop ups
-Eye strain

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Nov 6th News

Media Glossary

The link above is to the bbc bitesize revision page from where you can learn about genre like what are hybrids and a brief explanation and much more like the types of media for example Movies and Video games.
The full list is:
-Industries overview
-Computer and Video games
-What is genre?
-Analysing genre
-What is Narrative?
-Narrative techniques
-What is Representation?
-Representation of gender
-Representation of age
-Ethnic, national and regional identity
-Issues and events
-Target audiences
-Audience appeal
Production Skills

Class Notes

In class so far we have learned about theorists and what they presented to the world we have learned this information from solo research or group, the main theories are have looked at though are David Hesmondhalgh, Curran and Seaton and Stuart Hall. Another main part was near the start when we learned about Steve Neale who introduced the world to Genre which categorises the films into what they are so something like Halloween 2018 would be a Horror because of jump scares and amount of tense moments that are included in the film so it really did help people because they knew what type of film they were getting themselves into.

David Hesmondhalgh
-Introduced the Cultural industries theory

Curran and Seaton 
-Introduced the power and media industries theory

Stuart Hall
-Introduced the representation theory

Steve Neale
-Introduced genre so a film could be categorised

We have been looking at the theorist Stuart Hall and his theory about how things like music videos and films how are certain people being portrayed and are they stereotypical portrayals. Also we have remade certain adverts like the Budweiser advert and to see how close can we get to the original.

Camera Shots

Camera shots in media can be where the person is standing to where the camera is the direction they  are going or how zoomed in the camera is, for example the top left of the sheet shows shot sizes which is how zoomed in or how far away the person is compared to the camera so XLS would be the camera person or the person in the picture standing far away while XCU would be the person standing very close with the camera most likely zoomed in.

While in the bottom left of the sheet it shows the shot angles so this involves the person in the picture to stay in the exact same position and the person behind the camera to alter the camera to these specific angles for example the Birds eye shot would involve the person behind the camera to be higher than the other person so they are looking down so maybe stand on a chair, even though this is a completely different angle the person in the picture has not moved at from any other shot so even in the Low shot the person in the picture is in the same spot as they were in the birds eye shot.

Finally on the far right you can see the camera and lens movement when the camera person is once again moving around the person in the picture and taking three pictures of them sightly moving each time for example the pan movement starts with a view from the left then the next is in the middle then finally it ends with the one on the right.

Audience Notes and personal profile

My personal profile about my selected theorist of David Hesmondhalgh is that i rushed the video a bit because when i was in the moment saying it i was running out of things to say because i didn't do enough research in the video the main thing i talk about is culture because the cultural industries theory one of the main parts of it is the first part which as previously mentioned is culture.

The word culture means "the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular people or society" in the video, we also watched through the other groups individual videos which they were a good way of revising the specific theorist when we needed to for next years revision.

Mise en scene

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Friday 2 November 2018

Budweiser Advert Remake

  My groups advert is a remake of the 1999 Budweiser (Wassup) advert, when we were starting to make the advert we watched the advert through multiple times so we could decide who was going to be who and so we could memorise the lines so our lip sinking was good. In the advert there are a total of five characters in the advert although it was quite easy to memorise the lines because every person in my group have very similar lines to each other because that was the main focus of the advert.

Poster Task

The poster i have selected is the original first star wars movie that was made but it is the 4th one in the trilogy in the poster you can tell who are the protagonists and who are the antagonists because of how they are framed and portrayed in the picture for example Darth Vader can easily be seen as the antagonist because he fills up a significant amount of the screen meaning that he is one of the main characters in the film also the lightsaber that he is holding is red which in films and video games is a sign that he is the antagonist of the film. Also the characters in the front mainly Luke are clear protagonists because they are in the foreground and are perfectly centred so the audience know who are good and who are back also they all take up a big chunk of the poster because it shows that once again they are a big part of the film.

The poster has the name of the film in the bottom right of the poster because it wants you to know the name of the of the film but at the same time focus more on the posters main design which is obviously the icons and actors that are on the poster. The setting of the poster is space as you can see in the background the stars that fill it up and also the film being called Stars Wars really adds to the idea, however on the right hand side of the poster you can clearly see the setting of a desert which in the film is called tatooine which is the main characters Luke home planet.

Music Video Stereotype

This music video that was made by the american rapper Logic portrays the stereotypes of Race, Sexuality and Mental Health however Race and Sexuality are the main two while there are only one scene about Mental Health when the protagonist is contemplating suicide. At the start when the protagonist is a child it shows multiple shots of the family happy and they are constantly laughing, however it is not until he is a teenager that he realizes his Sexuality when he meets someone who is very like him but the parents wouldn't be with the idea because they are different races and it is clear in the music video that the other students and the parents are fully against the idea and insult him for it. For example at 2:12 when the white boys father finds out that he is gay he looks extremely disappointed about it, we can also assume from the scenes that follow one of the main reasons is because that he is of a different race to him and not everyone especially the dad fully agrees with his sons life choices and may fully disagree with it.

Boyz in the Hood

In Boyz in the Hoods opening scene starts with a blacked out scene where you can't see anything that is happening but you can hear what is going on in the scene and the only thing that you can hear is the sound of gang members organizing a attack on a rival gang and then the sound of gunshots follow and then all you can hear is the sound of police sirens with it following with complete silence. This gives the audience the idea of what it was like for a gang member, the feeling that one day a rival gang might decide to remove you from the picture and how quicker one extreme can go to another extreme in such a short amount of time.

However, in the following scene it introduces the characters of the film in the year of 1984 when they are children who are living where all the gang violence like murder is very common and is not seen as scary to them any more that the people around them can be killed at any moment. The scene revolves around the four main characters that are on there way to school when they have the idea to check out the crime scene of a shooting that had happened recently and in this scene they talk about the shooting so casually like something like this happens everyday so gives the audience a brief idea of what their lives are like everyday. They talk about the shooting very casually once again showing the audience what it was like and how people reacted to it, with the next scene it shows their lives at school and their personalities when they are at school and out of the four characters they show the audience who is the main protagonist out of the group which is Tre Styles who is an only child who lives with his single mother and is shown in the scenes to be very smart significantly smarter than his other classmates. Altogether the opening of Boyz in the Hood shows what the life would be like for children stuck in a neighbourhood while gang attacks are common.

Thursday 1 November 2018

My top three media

My top three media are video games, movies and television, i have chosen these three because they interest me the most out of all the main types of media. The first one video games is the one that i am the most familiar with because i have been playing video games most of my life because they are a good way to past the time compared to something like radio which i never really listen to unless i am in the car.

Video games have become extremely popular over the last couple of years because of the popularity of certain genres, the ones that have stood out over the whole video games lifespan are RPGs (role playing game) for example Dragon age and first and third person shooters for example call of duty. My preferred genre would be first person shooters with my favourite being Halo because it was my introduction to first person shooters and In my opinion my favourite video game series.

Movies are my second choice for types of media because with video games i was introduced to them at a younger age while with movies they will a little bit later on. Like video games movies also have genres with certain people like genres that some other people would dislike this can be with any genre but it seems more common with the genres like horror where it is very split those who love horror films and those who dislike them and think they are a waste of time. My personal favourite genres would be Horror for example the 2009 remake of the slasher Friday the 13th and action/adventure films for example Marvels Avengers Infinity War, the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th was a film i will remember because of how it changed form the original Friday the 13th films changing the killer Jason Voorhees from a slow lumbering killer to a killer who is not afraid of chasing down his victims if the need arises. This also introduced more realistic and brutal gore to the film which fans of the series would normally not use to the gore in the old films was easily seen as special effects or makeup which in my opinion was a good idea for a more modern reboot.

Finally my final type of media is television which people see as very similar to movies however it is still very different in its own way, even though once again genre is a key theme in television shows, one of the most popular TV show would be The Walking Dead which has been going since 2010 which was based off of a comic book series written by Robert Kirkman the appeal of the show is it gives the idea of what if a zombie apocalypse was real but obvious alters it to have a set of main characters who's survival technqiues might not work in real life but is a perfect fit for the show. The shows main genre is obviously horror so it would not appeal to everyone but the people who do like horror it is one of the best tv shows to watch out of the many options you can pick from.