Wednesday 12 September 2018

Steve Neale

Steve Neale
 A film genre is a theme that defines the film for example Halloween is defined as a horror because of the constant tension and jump scares that defines a horror film while something like a comedy would normally have no scares and rely on making the audience laugh instead of making them jump.Steve Neale created the genre theory which was the first time that films were categorized to their certain genre and meant that the audience know what they were going to watch so they don't feel disappointed afterwards, however films in recent years have started to make hybrids which are films that have multiple genres even if they are seen as complete opposites for example Scary movie which combines Horror and Comedy together so ultimately more people would be able to watch the movie because they would know that it is not all horror it also has parts of comedy in it.

A key quotation of the basics of the genre theory is "A film must match the genres convention to be identified as part of that genre" meaning that for a film to be categorised into a certain genre it has to have the qualities of it for example a Horror films needs jump scares and constantly put the feeling of tension in the viewers mind while something like a comedy must try to make the viewer laugh and not have the feeling of tension at all unless as previously mentioned it is a hybrid.

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