Monday 10 September 2018

Intro to Media-Predator(1987)

Predator(1987) This is one of my favorite films it arrived in cinemas in 1987 and was an instant hit to sci-fi genre and popularised the genre to create 2 following sequels the 2nd arriving in 1990 and the third predators coming out in 2010 and the newest one coming out September 14 2018. However the first was still the one that stood out because in 1987 if you watched the film then Predator was seen as originally a generic shooter like Commando but then when the Predator started to emerge around half way through the film people realised it was more than a generic shooter it was a horror and a lot of gore for the time. It later on combined with Alien to create Alien vs Predator which was seen as extremely disappointing compared to the successful Predator(1987) and Alien(1979)but Predator was just that much better because it was a shock to find out it was the soldiers being hunter not the enemy forces.

Predator is part of the five main types of media which are Movies, Video Games, Radio, Television and Print (newspapers, magazines) the ones like video games have become a lot more popular in last couple of years because of the advances in technology in the last couple of years meaning it is attracting more people to it and making them money at the same time and provides the buyer with a source of entertainment. Another main part of media is the theorists for example Stuart Hall who was born in Jamaica but lived and work in the United Kingdom and showed people how race and gender was being presented in films

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