Tuesday 25 September 2018

Ghost Ship

In the opening of ghost ship it starts with quite slow and peaceful music to show that the scene is slow but nothing bad is happening which presents it as quite a happy scene, however as the scene progresses you get the feeling of that things might turn quite bad and as it progresses even more the music turns quite haunting and creepy as it shows a sabotage of the ship and as everyone is dancing all of them are effected all brutally cut in half from a steel wire and then you start to think that this film might not be as slow and peaceful as you thought.

Friday 14 September 2018

Summer task 3

The daily mail newspaper article i'm doing about is with storm Desmond and with major events like this the media especially the newspaper shape it so it looks like its a disaster for everyone when in a matter of fact some of the storms that are reported as devastating aren't as bad however storm Desmond left many people without homes for a couple of days or for much longer depending on the damage and how much the government is willing to compensate them for he damages that they didn't expect. Also the storm was so strong in Cumbria that the governments 48 million defenses failed to stop flooding there meaning that a lot of people suffered for the governments mistakes

Summer task 2

Deutschland 83 is a series about a divided Germany in 1983 it stars a 24 year old East German soldier who is a German solider but also a undercover spy for the HVA the foreign intelligence agency of the Stasi, the show was aired on channel 4 and premiered on the 15 June 2015 and is still going today with a new series coming out in 19 October 2018 and will be renamed to Deutschland 89 with the previous series being called Deutschland 86 because obviously of the dates the show are set 1983,1986,1989. The main character Martin Rauch being the undercover East German soldier who is clearly trying to discover weaknesses in the opposite side and report back to his superiors with the information so they can take advantages of those weaknesses. In the trailer from Channel 4 about the series of Deutschland 83 you can see the different outfits Martin wears when he is a generic German soldier and when he is doing his undercover work which makes him look like a civilian so he can blend in with other people and get to locations without being seen. Also in the trailer you can see a lot of shots of Martin running away like he has just been caught and has to get away and this can also prove that the film will be a action and a drama meaning it will never really be that boring if it is the type of genre you like this also means this can be seen as a hybrid (when two genres in one film like scary movie with its horror and comedy) however action and drama is quite a simple hybrid meaning that the two aren't two opposites of each other like horror and comedy they are different to that because they flow quite well together to begin with so you don't have to alter the story. As well as this the trailer shows that the series will have some violence because around halfway through the trailer you can see a character pull a gun on another person as they open the door meaning this would also draw the attention of other viewers who enjoy series with violence in it and unlike other others this one was clearly very successful because of the two new series's one already out and another coming out soon meaning the company made enough money from the first two series to make a new one. When Martin is in his hometown in the trailer you can see the emotions on his face or better way of saying it the lack of emotions because of the clear memories he sees every time he visits his town and how he doesn't know how to deal with them because he might have had a tough upbringing or something tragic happen when he was younger that meant he thought of joining the army and become a spy for the East which if caught he would most likely be killed because it was seen as a very serious crime to commit back in 1983.Finally this was only a view of what we saw in the trailer so the actually series might be very different we just don't know right now.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Summer task 4

When talking about film companys you always have to ask the question of what would happen to a certain film series if the combined company disbanded into two who would get the rights to the characters of the film. For example if Disney abandoned its partnership with lucasarts who would get the rights to the star wars films because of the amount of money each company has made from the films they both have a right to the films because obviously lucasarts started off the franchise with the first six and wanted to end it there but then Disney took over and revived the franchise and has made three new films with a fourth one coming.

 Another example of this is the big six which could become the big five because of the possibility of their partnership ending meaning they might lose rights to some of their films and the money made from the films would possibly go to the other company meaning the chance of losing what they have worked all their lives for.


Hybrids are a type of film that combines two different genres into one film an example of this is scary movie which is a mix of a horror and a comedy to create an experience which is occasional quite tense and can then suddenly change to try and make the audience laugh more modern films have started to do this more because it appeals to a bigger audience than just a horror or just a comedy however if one is advertised like this and ends up to be more of one genre than the other and isn't a perfect balance this can cause to the company to loss money instead of gaining so a squeal would be very unlikely.

Summer task 1

The Genre In today's lesson we learned about genre and we did this by picking two genres and getting props from other classrooms and acting out and taking a several pictures of each genre to illustrate what the themes of the genre are. We had an anagram of distinct to help analyse certain movie posters to see what genre it is for example for the original Nightmare on Elm street movie poster it uses the genre of horror because of a clear antagonist that being Freddy Krueger who the producers made to have severe facial scars and a distorted face which is suppose to scare the audience and see Freddy as a powerful antagonist. -Describe in detail -Setting -Theme -Icons -Narrative -Character -Textual analysis

TV series poster

The TV series poster i have chosen is Stephen Kings 1990 miniseries IT with pennywise being played by Tim Curry it have a total run time of 3hours 14mins which is quite short for a series but too long for a film.

The poster is designed in the way so it looks like pennywise is trying to get to the person who is looking at the poster so straight away the person who is looking at it for the first time can tell that it is going to be a horror film instead of a different genre so people know what they are getting themselves into and it is also clear that he will be the main antagonist of the film so instantly people know what the antagonist looks like so they know everyone else are probably going to be be protagonist.

Connotations Also with the poster there are very clear protagonists as well which are obviously the characters under the title of the film which means it is a clear good vs evil scenario which means most of the time the people will prefer the protagonists than the antagonists depending on how they are portrayed. As well as that the main title in the middle is in red and red can be seen as many different things like hate or something more likely for this film which would be blood because of the amount of characters that are killed off in the film. Also under the characters there is a quote that is suppose to one give a brief idea of what the film is about and also try to scare the audience before they even watch the series.

Genre Picture Task

Screenshots of Genres In one of our lessons we took pictures of static shots of genres our genres were musical and historical. The first picture is the genre historical this is shown because we are wearing army helmets this represents is suppose to represent world war 1.

The second picture is the genre musical this is shown by us holding the guitar and a trumpet because they represent the genre of music and are some of the more well known instruments when you think of music because its been presented that way in movies or TV shows so thats how the generation today would think when you say musical instruments.

The two genres that we were given are very different to one another because musicals are stereotypically seen as quite happy and appeals to a large group of people, while with historical one of the main events of history are the World Wars which were horrific and seen as depressing because of the millions of people who lost there lives for their country.

The way we framed our picture was that we made sure that obviously in both times we were in view and that we were in the middle of the frame so if there was more in the picture you would know what the main focus of the picture and maybe be able to tell what the picture is trying to show you. What went well in the pictures that the props added to the picture so the army helmets for the historical picture and the instruments for the musical picture to show that there is a clear difference in both pictures. It would be even better if i didn't smile when the picture was taken because it does take away from the genres that we are trying to present.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Steve Neale

Steve Neale
 A film genre is a theme that defines the film for example Halloween is defined as a horror because of the constant tension and jump scares that defines a horror film while something like a comedy would normally have no scares and rely on making the audience laugh instead of making them jump.Steve Neale created the genre theory which was the first time that films were categorized to their certain genre and meant that the audience know what they were going to watch so they don't feel disappointed afterwards, however films in recent years have started to make hybrids which are films that have multiple genres even if they are seen as complete opposites for example Scary movie which combines Horror and Comedy together so ultimately more people would be able to watch the movie because they would know that it is not all horror it also has parts of comedy in it.

A key quotation of the basics of the genre theory is "A film must match the genres convention to be identified as part of that genre" meaning that for a film to be categorised into a certain genre it has to have the qualities of it for example a Horror films needs jump scares and constantly put the feeling of tension in the viewers mind while something like a comedy must try to make the viewer laugh and not have the feeling of tension at all unless as previously mentioned it is a hybrid.

Monday 10 September 2018

Intro to Media-Predator(1987)

Predator(1987) This is one of my favorite films it arrived in cinemas in 1987 and was an instant hit to sci-fi genre and popularised the genre to create 2 following sequels the 2nd arriving in 1990 and the third predators coming out in 2010 and the newest one coming out September 14 2018. However the first was still the one that stood out because in 1987 if you watched the film then Predator was seen as originally a generic shooter like Commando but then when the Predator started to emerge around half way through the film people realised it was more than a generic shooter it was a horror and a lot of gore for the time. It later on combined with Alien to create Alien vs Predator which was seen as extremely disappointing compared to the successful Predator(1987) and Alien(1979)but Predator was just that much better because it was a shock to find out it was the soldiers being hunter not the enemy forces.

Predator is part of the five main types of media which are Movies, Video Games, Radio, Television and Print (newspapers, magazines) the ones like video games have become a lot more popular in last couple of years because of the advances in technology in the last couple of years meaning it is attracting more people to it and making them money at the same time and provides the buyer with a source of entertainment. Another main part of media is the theorists for example Stuart Hall who was born in Jamaica but lived and work in the United Kingdom and showed people how race and gender was being presented in films