Friday 5 April 2019

Charity Advert

Charity Essay

Explain the significance of intertextuality in advertising, refer to the Old Spice advertising campaign in your answer (10 marks)

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising (15 marks)

The selected advert for shelter is all about trying to stop people from getting evicted from the homes because they don't have the money to pay to keep their home, so what shelter is trying to achieve with these adverts is that to spread awareness that situations like this are happening all around the world they do this by showing it from 3 different views most notably is the landlord which stereotypically they are seen as the people who make people go homeless but that is not always the case like it is shown in the advert with the quote 'He Can't Do That' showing that he is feeling sympathetic towards the person he is taking the money from. As well as this the other two adverts are from the view of the people who are in debt and can't afford to pay it meaning that they are being threatened with losing their house and this is shown by using quotes like 'But Where Will We Live' and 'I Can't Face It' these show that they are scared of what will happen which will make the reader feel sympathetic for the people who are featured on the advert, as well as this the text is written in red which could signify blood and this could make the reader fell even more sympathetic towards the people on the advert however it could just be red because it stands out.

Friday 29 March 2019

Lucozade Sport

Lucozade was created in 1927 and was known as Glucozade meant to give energy to the sick 
Renamed to Lucozade in 1929 
1983 rebranded as a sports drink rather than a health drink 

£4 million campaign both claims made online 
Agency Grey London 
GlaxoSmithKline consumer healthcare owners of Lucozade in January 2013
Ad Stars:Gareth Bale and Alex Oxlade Chamberlain

Scientifically Proven 
Do You Believe 

The total value of the soft drinks market in the United Kingdom is around £15 billion 
Capitalising on star appeal/star as commodity 
Gareth Bale use of celebrity 

Sunday 24 March 2019

Advertising and Marketing

Old Spice
Charity Advert for Shelter

How is it represented
How does it create meaning

Create awareness of a film's release
Create interest in the film itself
Generate desire to see the film and action in the purchasing of a cinema ticket


Copy- The Written explanation of the product
Slogan- Phrase that describes the benefit of the product thee products most important attributes

Aim of the print advert
Don't forget denotation and connotation
Media Language- camera shot, Mise En Scene, Typography and Editing

Saturday 23 March 2019

The Big Issue

Social, Cultural or a Political context may be used
The Big issue is a niche magazine
Two front covers of the big issue that are needed to be studied
After September 2018
Front covers selected should demonstrate representations that are alternative to the mainstream and of national significance




Circulation number of copies a magazine sells
Readership not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it
Mass Audience readership on a very large scale
Niche Audience narrow group of readers with a particular interest
Subscription where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower price and receives them by post

Intertextually promoting multiple things within the same medium
Masthead the title of the magazine
Plug text that plugs a feature will appear inside the magazine
Puff a story that is given prominence on the cover
Cover Star the star featured on the cover
Anchorage Text that anchors the main image and gives context
Banner text that runs across the lower section of the cover
Skyline text that runs across the top of the cover


More than 5,000 people slept rough on any one night in England last autumn

Thursday 7 March 2019

Minecraft Timeline


May 13 2009

The test video for Minecraft was released

May 17 2009

Minecraft was released

September 1 2009

Survival mode test was released

December 23 2009

The map was expanded and updated like for example the edition of 3D clouds


29th January 2010

Introduction of the crafting system

17th June 2010

Minecraft passes 20,000 sales after one year

22nd July 2010

First internet test of survival mode on multiplayer so the community can test it

16th October 2010

Mojang was founded by Notch.


12th January 2011

 Minecraft reaches a million sales in under 2 years

1st July 2011

Minecraft passes 10 million users

16th August 2011

Minecraft pocket edition was released for IOS meaning it is portable


12th Jan 2012

Minecraft 1.1 released

9th May 2012

Minecraft released on Xbox 360


2nd January 2013

Server updates to 1.4.6

13th December 2013

Minecraft surpasses 13 million sales


4th September 2014

PlayStation four edition released.

5th September 2014

Minecraft Xbox One edition released.

10th December 2014

Pocket edition released for windows phone


30th June 2015

Minecraft surpasses 20 million sales

13th October 2015 

Minecraft story mode released for all next gen consoles

17th December 2015

 Minecraft Wii U edition released


2nd June 2016

Minecraft sold over 100 million times across all platforms and becomes one of the bestselling games

7th June 2016

Minecraft announces Minecraft the Movie


10th December 2017

Minecraft hits 75 million hits 75 million active players and 145 million total sales