Friday 5 April 2019

Charity Advert

Charity Essay

Explain the significance of intertextuality in advertising, refer to the Old Spice advertising campaign in your answer (10 marks)

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising (15 marks)

The selected advert for shelter is all about trying to stop people from getting evicted from the homes because they don't have the money to pay to keep their home, so what shelter is trying to achieve with these adverts is that to spread awareness that situations like this are happening all around the world they do this by showing it from 3 different views most notably is the landlord which stereotypically they are seen as the people who make people go homeless but that is not always the case like it is shown in the advert with the quote 'He Can't Do That' showing that he is feeling sympathetic towards the person he is taking the money from. As well as this the other two adverts are from the view of the people who are in debt and can't afford to pay it meaning that they are being threatened with losing their house and this is shown by using quotes like 'But Where Will We Live' and 'I Can't Face It' these show that they are scared of what will happen which will make the reader feel sympathetic for the people who are featured on the advert, as well as this the text is written in red which could signify blood and this could make the reader fell even more sympathetic towards the people on the advert however it could just be red because it stands out.